Family Law

Our experience in Family Law parenting matters includes relatively “simple” matters as well as more “complex” matters involving, amongst other things:

  • Allegations of significant harm, or risk of harm, such as criminal sexual assault
  • Allegations of serious instances of family violence including criminal assault
  • Parental alienation
  • Significant alcohol and drug use
  • Abduction and applications to recover children
  • Interstate and international relocation
  • Applications to have children placed on the Family Law Watchlist maintained by the Australian Federal Police
  • Same sex family law including donor agreements

Our experience in Family Law property matters also ranges from simple matters to more complex matters involving, amongst other things:

  • Constructive and resulting trust(s)
  • Trusts, companies and complex business structures
  • Significant matrimonial asset pools and high net worth individuals
  • Allegations of hidden and/or undisclosed assets

Our experience in Family Law matters also includes appearing as advocate in interim hearings, appearing at mediations and conciliation conferences as well as briefing and instructing counsel (or barristers).

Sydney Courts we attend

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